A while back I helped Cidell work on her sewing basement and in return took home a few goodies she was culling out of her fabric collection. Among them was this striped knit.
I have a whole Pinterest board on directional stripes, but never find any striped fabric that I like. This is a great knit--beefy, with good recovery. I like patterns that play with the direction of the stripes without using seaming, just the pattern drafting, as in this T by Alexander Wang ($140).

Vogue 1020 seemed like a good pattern choice for the experiment. I had been wanting to make it again, as it is my winter "date night" dress and I was getting a little sick of the first version.
Mindful of my experience with the fit the first time around--way too tight, way too much belly--I cut it in a larger size at the waist this time, using the size 12 marking, the largest size on my pattern. Unfortunately, it is still way too tight with way too much belly, and I don't like this version any more than the last one. :-/
Last time I made this dress I gathered and stayed both side seams before sewing them together, which did not work well. My side seam was gathered more than it should have been (despite cutting my stays to the gather length provided by the pattern instructions). This time I sewed the side seams together and then gathered, as per the pattern instruction. Rather than use the instructions' stay length, I gathered it while wearing until the hem was straight and then stitched on a ribbon to keep it in place.

I did my now-usual picot elastic finish at the neckline. I am sure I will eventually get sick of this, but it is much more enjoyable to put in than clear elastic and I think the look is cute.

I think I am giving up on this pattern as a dress. It just doesn't suit my body shape (and/or the dysmorphic body shape in my mind; also keep in mind that I am totally sucking in for these photos). However, I think it would make an awesome sleeveless tee in sailor stripes for summer, so I am keeping my eyes open for a suitable stripe.
All photos are here and the pattern review is here.
Nice dress.
Awe, I'm sorry you're disappointed with this dress. I think it's really pretty, and I think it suits you well. Maybe stick it in the back of the closet and give it another try after a while??
I wish you felt more comfortable in it because I think it looks fantastic. But if you aren't comfortable, it's not worth wearing.
I think it's very cute on you.
love the dress
I think the dress is adorable, don't throw it away yet! I hope you won't be offended, but I'm working on my belly too (I've also got that forward tilting hip thing going on), but have you tried the video here? It's a spark people one that is short and really works your lower back and abs which might help pull your swayback out and your tummy in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U9bVmVL7FY
The pictures are very flattering. But if you don't feel good in the dress...
I'm sorry you don't like it, but I thought it looked very flattering on you. The side gathers add a very interesting touch. I love, love, love the stripes. I think this is a very elegant dress.
I think it's a great look on you. Maybe you just need to let it marinate a while. Thanks for sharing.
Oh but I love it! I'm so sad you don't like the look on you... directional stripes are awesome.
I just looked at your first version of this dress and apparently I bought this pattern based on how great I thought it looked on you. And I like this one even more. The directional stripes play is fantastic.
I love the play of the stripes. What a great idea. I think it looks great on you, but you know what you like. Thank you for showing it!
I have to side with everyone else & say that I think the dress looks fantastic on you! I think the play of the stripes is super flattering & I don't care if you've got to suck it in all day - you have to keep this dress in your wardrobe!
Listen to everyone..it looks great on you. Of course, you did say yiu were sucking in. Maybe some spanx or control top pantyhose would give you some comfort in wearing this so very flattering dress. You have a gorgeous figure.
Aw this looks awesome on you!
Also, you read my mind. I've had my eyes on a dress from LOFT that is very similar...and have a black and silver stripe fabric in my stash that is just calling for it, but I had yet to find the perfect pattern. I was going to try Simplicity 2053 and gather instead of pleat, but I think this pattern might be the way to go!
You're right -- it's worth another try for this summer. The basic shape is quite flattering on you. It does pull a bit across the hips, which is not terrible in your photos. (You may be seeing more flaws than do we. If it feels bad, though, it is not worth wasting any more time with it.) All those gathers ate up the extra width you added! Pass this version along to some other lucky woman, and rejoice that the fabric cost you only a pleasant afternoon with a friend.
Funny, the first thing I thought when I saw the picture of you in this dress was how thin and fit you looked! I thought it was a really flattering pattern. I accept that you are sucking in your tummy and using the best camera angle, but I must say the snaps look great.
I like your picot edge. I'd like to try it sometime.
There are so many patterns out there that you might as well move on to something else if you aren't delighted with this one. There are more patterns available than any of us can sew in our lifetimes, so why waste precious sewing time on something that doesn't feel right?
I wonder if this dress might grow on you in time? It sure does look great! The fabric is fantastic. I have some similar fabric, though my stripes are thinner, that I am anxious to use. Thanks for the inspiration!
Great example of how the right pattern can really show off a fabric! ... if only I were a young, slim, sylph I'd take that dress off your hands in an instant.
Hmm, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but could you make this into a top? It would look good with a black skirt or slacks. Maybe even take the skirt fabric and add some gussets somewhere around the waist-to-hip area if necessary? I also think this looks good on you, but definitely don't wear it if you don't feel comfortable.
The stripes make me feel a bit seasick, but other than that I think it's a fabulous dress! Even if there were a bit of belly (which I can't see) I think everyone would be too taken with the optical illusion of the stripes to notice!
I second the idea to make this into a shirt and see if you like it better.
Unrelated, but where do you get the black elastic? I'm particularly looking for black lingerie elastic or something similar, but online all I can find is black FOE or waistband elastic.
Trena, my first thought when I saw the photos of this dress was "Girl, you're on a roll!" It's terrible that you don't feel comfortable in it, because it looks wonderful on you. The stripes add some much-needed pizzaz to the pattern, and, quite to opposite to you, I think the shaping is adorable on your body type.
JMO, but sometimes, you know, a friend will tell you the truth even when you don't see it!
I hate when that happens! I love.love.love this dress on you, but I know that feeling you describe. I made a very similar style last summer and I love the way it looks in the mirror, but I never wear it because I have to suck in my stomache the whole time. I feel self-conscious in it.
Also, love that stripe on the diagonal like that. What a great look. I hope you wear the dress from time to time, because you doo look really great in it.
Long time reader, first time commenter - to say that you look smoking hot in that dress!!! It would be a shame not to wear it.
Yes, like everyone else, I think that the dress looks GREAT! But I do understand what you mean about how you feel in it (yes, I do think that there might be a bit of dysmorphic stuff going in your head about your tummy). Wear some "big undies" underneath and just go for it Trena - you look fantastic!
Dress looks killer.
I had to head over to your Pinterest board and I love it -- all those stripes in one place. Where I'm gonna find the time to do one of my own - maybe this will be the year.
Back to the dress. I can't think that wearing spanx is going to be all that comfortable - which is the idea behind the dress. Let the dress marinate and decide later.
I like what the stripes are doing in this dress, but it's no fun if you don't feel good in it. Those items last a while in my closet, but they never get worn. On to better things!
I think it's really cute on you. But you know best
That looks terrific. The rushing sheos off the stripes. Very nice.
Great dress! I love the stripes.
I hope this grows on you because like many, I think it looks really good - especially from the back. It really shows off your lovely shape. Very nice.
You are crazy. However, I have several dresses/oufits/pants/skirts that i don't wear for the same reason, so I should talk. Keep it in the back of your closet and you might like it better later.
I have two pattern suggestions I think you would really like. It's all about the centre front rouching. Check out my blog: trumbelinasews.blogspot.com
Also, keep up with the podcasts. I'm a big fan!
I think the dress looks fantastic, it's the directional stripes that really catch the eye not the "imperfections" that you can see - please don't give up on it yet!
I love your Pinterest boards by the way.
I'm glad Trumbelina said it first, because my reaction was also "you are crazy...don't be a fool, that dress looks awesome."
I love the stripes in this pattern - works as well as you thought it would. It is a shame you don't like it. Maybe you could leave it in the cupboard for those "skinny" days.
You look fabulous. Love the direction of the stripes.
I think you look awesome in this dress! I love the stripes, and I think it is very flattering to your curves.
I love this pattern with the stripes. You really do look great, but I guess holding your tummy in all the time is out of the question ;-) I do think that the stripe pattern will probably distract from anything else showing up.
It doesn't look as bad as you think it does (it doesn't look bad at all, really), but I do get the not a favorite thing to make item, too.
It did come out very well, and if I had your belly, I'd be wearing tight, shiny and short (or turn into Heidi), so I may not know much here.
I agree the dress looks gorgeous on you (or, as my grandma used to correct me, YOU look gorgeous in that dress!) Love the stripes.
Whenever I'm feeling a little uncomfortable I wonder what advice my 90 year old self would give me.
I love it on you! I've made this dress several times now and I've never thought to make it in stripes. I think you look great in it and you should keep it.
I think it looks great on you, actually, but I completely understand that you are uncomfortable.
I'm almost tempted to get this pattern and try it because of how it looks on you. I have a very similar figure and if I could look nearly that great in it, I'd be all about it.
I'll take your word to the wise on sizing though.
That's too bad you're not happy with it! I think it looks really cute tho. But I know what you mean by not feeling comfortable wearing it. What if you just chopped it into a top with what you've made already?
I can't argue with how you feel wearing a dress, but from my point of view it's really flattering. And I love how the stripes look in this pattern!
OMG! The dress is too cute and looks great on you! It does flatter you nicely. I think if you tried just a heel instead of the boots it would lighten the look. This is not a wadder, but you have to wear what you feel comfortable in.
I have this pattern and would have never thought to make it in a stripe. I think your dress is adorable and it looks great on you! Have you thought about putting a jacket with it? That might draw the eye to a different direction and make you feel a little less conscious. Either way, I don't think you have anything to worry about...you look fabulous!
What they said.
My thought was - "And she calls herself a pear! Looks more like an hourglass to me."
But if you're not comfy, you're not. Love the top idea for summer.
I'm sorry you're not a fan. The play of the stripes is really fun--I like particularly how they chevron between the front and the sleeves. I base much of my interest in sports teams on how ugly/attractive I find their uniforms, and the Rockies drive me UP THE WALL with how unmatched their stripes are across their shoulder seams. Seriously, they're being paid millions of dollars to play and they can't match a stripe? At any rate, I think it's possibly more flattering than you think and it's certainly visually interesting to see the lines skewed in places and matched in others.
Forget the belly you think you have and concentrate on that rear end that can pull of horizontal fitted stripes!!!! Amazing.
I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable in this dress but it does look great on you. I love the stripes and I'm not usually one for them.
On another note - I finished The Help and read your review and I have to say I agree 100%. I think it would've been better if the author actually wrote the book she wrote about in the book. IOW, with help from "the help." I wonder if the movie is better in this regard because actual African Americans are playing the parts.
I agree, it looks great on you.
I've made this pattern twice but never considered it in a stripe. It's stunning!
Oh my - LOVE it!! Look how gorgeous you are! I'm so sorry you're not liking it on you. But hey, you're the one wearing it, and you're the one who knows best.
This dress is actually very flattering on you!
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