Do I not look regal? This is my favorite picture from my trip to Vietnam, though I was quite reluctant to take it. The motorbike taxi guy who had been taking me around that day to see the Marble Mountains and Da Nang insisted we stop by the old American base with its hangars still standing to take a picture. Apparently, most tourists are eager for this shot, but it seemed a little distasteful to me. Reliving America's involvement in another country's affairs was not my priority there. I have to say, though, I'm glad he insisted because it is an awesome shot, especially with the green helmet and big sunglasses.

The pattern review is finally up for this project from March (BWOF 03-2008-116)!
Does this mean everyone should call you "your Grace" from now on? or just plain Duchess?
Love the dress and it goes great with the helmet and sunglasses.
Your hangar picture kind of reminds me of Penelope Pitstop (not meant as an insult at all!). Lovely dress, goes surprisingly well with the helmet! The HK skyline looks like that today too but with a lot more wind as we have a typhoon warning up and a day off work to sew. Yippee.
I love the look!!!!!And that photo is plain genius. Did you have to make any adjustments to the back? i'm so leary (er, scared) of sway back adjustments lately that I have too many UFOs... :<
I enjoyed your review on PR. I have also been to Hong Kong recently and the sky was like that the whole time - went on a tour to see the view from the 'The peak' - what view? Great place to visit though!
This photo is a keeper. I love the lightness of the dress-- the sleeves just blow in the wind. cindy
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