Last week Cidell came to visit DC, which was awesome as we hadn't seen each other in aaaaaages. When I made my Quotidian Fail Simplicity 2473 houndstooth dress, she told me that she had some similar houndstooth fabric that was not enough for the project she wanted it for and would give it to me. Yay! Here it is:
It's not identical to the Simplicity dress fabric, and I totally love it. I had intended to make Burda 01-2009-105, the skirt with the outside darts and bias hem band. I loathed this look in the magazine, but then just loved the version Kathigarn did on PatternReview, but the fabric is too thick to work.
So now I'm thinking jacket Burda 08-2007-115 (ignore the fact that Burda's link says it is blouse 117; it has the two items mixed up); I made this as a coat two years ago and wear it every day during this type of weather. So I know I like it! However, I don't know if I have enough fabric and that three piece sleeve would kill me to match. But the pattern is designed for plaids and Burda has those handy check marks so maybe it wouldn't be too awful. Maybe.
But before I start a new jacket project, I figured I should tackle the last jacket project I started. And abandoned. You may remember this mess that I wrote about last April
Yeah. I didn't touch it after that. So I have picked it back up. I put in the pockets, making the welts too wide and homemade looking. I put in the collar, of course putting the undercollar on top and the overcollar on bottom. This was after sewing the wrong edges of the collar *and* serging off most of the seam allowances, so I had to pick all that out and carefully line up the seam lines. I do not have the intestinal fortitude to pick out the collar. So it's going to be somewhat mediocre, but I told myself I had to either finish it or throw it away and I don't want to throw it away. There are still a good 8 or 9 hours of work left on it, or more. But at least some progress has been made.
Since I have no sewing to show you, here's what I've been working on of a creative nature.
One of my neighbors asks me to donate to a fundraiser gala for the pediatrics center at a local hospital every year. I've had this cloisonne pendant for a long time and had not really been inspired by it. So I challenged myself to use it. I actually really like the resulting necklace. Hopefully it will raise some money.
The bracelet is made of some of the sew on jewels I bought in Hong Kong. The Washington Post published a photo of some single strand using similar jewels with leather straps for closures for $85 each. Crazy! I assume the jewels were of higher quality, but such an assumption is not always warranted. I liked the look so I made one of my own, triple-strand for extra bling.
Has anyone else gotten snarky comments on recent pattern reviews from someone whose name suggests a level of expertise but has not actually posted any reviews? Ugh. I really can't stand those people. I just have to remind myself not to feed the trolls and that it is so not personal. It is just about them having a forum in which to feel superior and if that's what it takes for them to get through life I should not begrudge.
**edited to add this thought** It is really far-fetched, but I almost wonder if the troll could be the Vogue pattern drafter as they are both recent Vogue patterns? In which case, it would feel to him/her that my review is snarky because I didn't like the patterns. Who knows. Trying to let it go.