Last week Cidell came to visit DC, which was awesome as we hadn't seen each other in aaaaaages. When I made my Quotidian Fail Simplicity 2473 houndstooth dress, she told me that she had some similar houndstooth fabric that was not enough for the project she wanted it for and would give it to me. Yay! Here it is:
It's not identical to the Simplicity dress fabric, and I totally love it. I had intended to make Burda 01-2009-105, the skirt with the outside darts and bias hem band. I loathed this look in the magazine, but then just loved the version Kathigarn did on PatternReview, but the fabric is too thick to work.
So now I'm thinking jacket Burda 08-2007-115 (ignore the fact that Burda's link says it is blouse 117; it has the two items mixed up); I made this as a coat two years ago and wear it every day during this type of weather. So I know I like it! However, I don't know if I have enough fabric and that three piece sleeve would kill me to match. But the pattern is designed for plaids and Burda has those handy check marks so maybe it wouldn't be too awful. Maybe.
But before I start a new jacket project, I figured I should tackle the last jacket project I started. And abandoned. You may remember this mess that I wrote about last April
Yeah. I didn't touch it after that. So I have picked it back up. I put in the pockets, making the welts too wide and homemade looking. I put in the collar, of course putting the undercollar on top and the overcollar on bottom. This was after sewing the wrong edges of the collar *and* serging off most of the seam allowances, so I had to pick all that out and carefully line up the seam lines. I do not have the intestinal fortitude to pick out the collar. So it's going to be somewhat mediocre, but I told myself I had to either finish it or throw it away and I don't want to throw it away. There are still a good 8 or 9 hours of work left on it, or more. But at least some progress has been made.
Since I have no sewing to show you, here's what I've been working on of a creative nature.
One of my neighbors asks me to donate to a fundraiser gala for the pediatrics center at a local hospital every year. I've had this cloisonne pendant for a long time and had not really been inspired by it. So I challenged myself to use it. I actually really like the resulting necklace. Hopefully it will raise some money.
The bracelet is made of some of the sew on jewels I bought in Hong Kong. The Washington Post published a photo of some single strand using similar jewels with leather straps for closures for $85 each. Crazy! I assume the jewels were of higher quality, but such an assumption is not always warranted. I liked the look so I made one of my own, triple-strand for extra bling.
Has anyone else gotten snarky comments on recent pattern reviews from someone whose name suggests a level of expertise but has not actually posted any reviews? Ugh. I really can't stand those people. I just have to remind myself not to feed the trolls and that it is so not personal. It is just about them having a forum in which to feel superior and if that's what it takes for them to get through life I should not begrudge.
**edited to add this thought** It is really far-fetched, but I almost wonder if the troll could be the Vogue pattern drafter as they are both recent Vogue patterns? In which case, it would feel to him/her that my review is snarky because I didn't like the patterns. Who knows. Trying to let it go.
Sorry, but if she is such a "master seamstress", she should be able to give general advice without your measurements :). Sorry, but I had to check the link out for myself. I am by no means any expert at all, never say I am, far from it, so she would probably have many snarky things to say about mine as well. Don't let it get to you. You have more courage to rip into a project than I have and see it through.
ReplyDeleteHow nice of Cidell to give you that houndstooth! Kudos to you for finishing that April project.I have three unfinished projects sneering at me from my workdesk, I know how you feel about throwing it out. I hate unfinished things hanging over my head.
ReplyDeleteAs for the trolls, that person would get my goat too. I'd be steaming for days! It's so difficult to ignore them, no matter what our moms said about jealousy. They must have really low self esteem
That troll would totally steam me up! Her comments seem to indicate that she thinks you (a) have no right to ask for fitting advice and (b) have no right to not be happy with a pattern if other people are happy with it.
ReplyDeleteThis is especially bizarre since your reviews are always SOOOO detailed and helpful and feature so many step by step photos and advice!
I'm a political cartoonist so I get tons of hate mail or troll comments that can leave me cringing for days, but I had no idea that there were trolls on PatternReview and sewing blogs!
That's probably the first houndstooth fabric I've ever seen that's made me want to go out and buy houndstooth!
ReplyDeleteIgnore the trolls. I'm sure she's a master seamstress in her own mind, similar to how I'm a fairy princess in my own mind.
Well, good luck if you make the jacket - I'm just glad I didn't make it in a plaid! That said, I wore mine today and am so happy with it, it's a great pattern. The jewelry is really nice, too; the pendant is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteThank God she's never commented on any of my reviews or I'd probably need therapy.
ReplyDeleteAnd someone should point out to her that it's disdain! Not distain!
Holy mackerel! People leave comments on pattern reviews! I had no idea. Seriously. (Sometimes I am a tad obtuse.)
ReplyDeleteTry to let the snark roll. Whoever it is doesn't get your taste and/or your sewing style. Whatever.
I just went through my handful of reviews and found no snarky comments, but then again, I haven't made anything from Vogue.
That came out sounding a bit discouraging (?) - I'm sure if anyone is up to matching a plaid on that pattern, it's you!!
ReplyDeleteI think your reviews are very thorough and well written... don't let the snarky commentor get to you. Love the fabric Cidell gave you! Can't wait to see what you come up with! Good luck with your jacket, too! Your jewelry is very pretty... I'm sure it will raise some money!
ReplyDeleteShe is snarky in her tone, but maybe she's just an online newbie and doesn't realize how she sounds. Or maybe she is a real live sewing teacher. Mine was as sour as that (at school in the seventies)! But she IS right that a roll above your bosom means that the fabric is creeping upwards because it is too tight acroos your boobs so you should cut a larger size, and also probably you should cut a larger size across the back. So, all in all, go upa size. (A smaller armscye gives you MORE arm mobility, not less BTW. See Fashion Incubator on this.) I too think you may be underestimating your boobs, dear. But I promise you that I am not "masterseamstress" in disguise. :) She's talking cobblers about needing your measurements to give advice, though, so her tag is a misnomer.
The jewelry is lovely, the houndstooth is cool, and the troll is just a troll. It is hard to let things slide though. That is a skill I am trying to work on in myself, and not succeeding very well at. Oh well. I can't wait to see the jacket you are working on, flaws and all.
ReplyDeleteGreat bracelet!! I won't worry about the troll (who by the way has only written a review for a doll pattern website?? and no reviews for human garments... was that snarky? I love your fearlessness in taking on projects!! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI have an anonymous commenter who always gets snarky and superior when ever I pass on any advice about the garment district. I read those comments you mentioned and it does seem to be indicative of someone who's taking it personally. Take heart in that you're not alone in getting attacked. An anonymous commenter recently told me a blouse I had made was "blah." Sheesh!
ReplyDeleteLove that houndstooth! So unique! Your jewelry is wonderful. So are your reviews on PR! I can't believe someone would leave such tacky comments! Does she kiss her mother with that mouth?!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great gift from Cidell - I love houndstooth fabric and this one is particularly lovely. Good luck with finishing that jacket - I bet when you're done it will be wonderful! Don't take any notice of misjudged comments from a troll. Your pattern reviews are always both entertaining and incredibly informative and I always enjoy reading them. Oh, and fab jewelry!
ReplyDeleteThe jewellery is awesome! I've been more and more interested in making jewellery, as there's an adorable bead/dangle shop in downtown Montpellier and I love window-shopping there - that's my kind of candy!
ReplyDeleteI remember you told me about your jewel-making in Paris, and I love that you really create your whole look this way.
I can't believe anyone had the nerve to leave you snarky comments on PR. Your reviews are always witty and informative at the same time. The dedication that shows through the number and quality of your reviews is truly humbling!
Hopefully getting this off your chest here will help you let it go... This thing is not worth wasting negative energy on :)
Nice jewellery. You are clever.
ReplyDeleteI love the necklace and bracelet, you know I'm a fan.
ReplyDeleteLet the comment just slip off you, there will always be trolls.
I'm glad you got to work on the jacket, a little bit at a time it will get done.
I have been attempting to match plaids and am finding it rather tricky. It is such a pity that I love them, it would save me hours of work! Your new houndstooth looks fabulous.
ReplyDeleteI have developed an instant dislike for your troll, so she must be happy, surely that is what she is after. Anyone calling themselves a name like that seems likely to be on patternreview with the aim of trollishness, rather than as a contributor!
I always enjoy your reviews, and frequently learn a lot from them, you do a great job of describing your work.
Good luck finishing your jacket. I am at a frustrating stage with a dress right now and if I had 8 hours work left to do on it it would be going in the trash. But I will finish it and then complain on PR and see what comments I get!
ReplyDeleteNice to see your use of the HK stones, the bracelet looks great.
Well, I must first say that I am extremely excited that you were inspired by one of MY items!!! Thank you!! I really like that skirt and always get compliments on it - it is one of those skirts that people will compliment and I will casually reply that I made it! It is definitely a "feel good" skirt!
ReplyDeleteYour jewelry is really neat - I especially like the bracelet. It is very nice of you to donate the items.
I cannot believe the comment the person left on your review. It is one thing to want to help, but it is another to use a tone such as that!
Lovely bracelet. Ignore the strange comments - not worth the hassle - you know we love your reviews!
ReplyDeleteHey, glad to hear you and Cidell linked up recently. I was beginning to wonder. Plaid matching on a triple-seam sleeve! You might have to change your moniker to the Fearless Sewist. Breathe the good in, breathe the bad out.
ReplyDeleteOMG, as my dd would say, what is her problem? Just because no one else had problems with this top, at least so she says, doesn't mean that they didn't! Whatever happened to if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything?
ReplyDeleteI read those comments on your reviews. Wow. I think your guess that it's the pattern drafter is a good one!
ReplyDeleteWow, those comments on your review are....crazy. Although I have noticed that as PR gets bigger, it seems like the nuts come out of the woodwork. I tried to respond nicely to someone today who had posted on the boards about how self-drafted patterns shouldn't be allowed to have reviews. Oy. It was probably a good thing that the moderators locked the thread.
ReplyDeleteSnarks annoy us all and ruin the generally kind spirit we have on PR... If they can't learn anything from your reviews it is their loss. There is always something to learn, since no one has such a level of expertise that they don't need to improve anymore.
ReplyDeleteMy take on anonymous comments is - hit the DEL key. All of them, on principle. If it's not worth backing with your name, then it's not worth saying.