So I've been keeping up with Lifetime's Project Runway (Bravo lost it two seasons ago) via the internet. I figured Season 7 would be a good season because on the first challenge there was no clear "throwaway" contestant. It seems in past seasons there would always be someone on the first challenge who would be revealed not to know how to sew or never to have heard of clothes or something and in this season there was no clear loser on the first episode. It is both exciting as a viewer but a teeny bit sad as a home sewist. I have never had any illusion of going on Project Runway--I don't draft and I don't know how to draft. However, I always could have been that first contestant who somehow against all odds manages to get on the show only to flame out spectacularly before anyone learns your name and you have the chance to cry/backstab on camera. I guess those days are over!
Anyway, back to this season. It does indeed seem like a talented group of designers, most of whom have a strong point of view (a little too strong in some cases where they keep churning out the same garment every challenge). None of the garments had really slain me until this episode, when Ben Chmura produced the kimono above.
LOVE. Man. I love everything about that dress. Love the kimono styling without being too literal, love that there is no obvious closure (I'm guessing his dress in fact has no closure but you could do hidden snaps), LOVE the color story, and how much do we love that open back with the lapels???? I've seen plenty of open backs, but I am not sure I've ever seen a lapel like that. It is genius. I also love that there is a back neck and the back peek-a-boo is a cutout rather than just a standard open back.
I hope this will be Ben Chmura's Kara Janx wrap dress (also a kimono style, hmmmm); even if he doesn't win it ought to put him on the map.
**edit** I didn't want to put a spoiler in but enough commenters have noted that this look didn't win the challenge that I will add my two cents! I knew it would be down to this dress and Anthony's teal confection (my favorite color); however, magazine covers generally favor solid colors and Anthony nailed Heidi's taste so I was not surprised by the win, and was very happy for Anthony. Heidi will look fab in his dress. Although, did anyone else see her look of alarm/resignation/depression/hunger when Anthony mentioned her having her "pre baby" body back by April (and considering magazines come out a month before their cover date and the cover shoot probably occurs at least a month before the magazine is released that gave her about five months from the baby's early October birth). I'm glad I'm not a model is all I'm saying.
So many of the other entries this week were huge fails! I couldn't believe how many people went with pale colors. Heidi is a blonde, people! With fair skin! Such people as us cannot wear washed out colors because we end up looking like a pile of dishrag. And *nobody* used the kiss of death words "Renaissance Faire" for Emilio's? Just add a pair of fairy wings and it could be walking ye olde dustie lanes.
The bronze fabric is my favoriye aspect of this. The back is amazing back. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI stopped watching PR because it was on too late (I know, I'm a loser. My college self would be so disugtsed with my current self that 11pm is too late to stay up). I'll definitely try to catch the show online - thanks for the idea.
I'm totally with you. I LOVE the dress. I was shocked that it didn't win.
ReplyDeleteI like everything about that dress, including (especially!) the fact that it might look good on actual non-model humans
ReplyDeleteI also loved this dress. (Although I didn't think he was robbed of the win. The winning dress was perfect for Heidi. This dress is just perfect for me.)
ReplyDeleteI love the use of those primary colors! I have gotten out of the Project Runway habit, but now I will have to find it, is it on Bravo this season?
ReplyDeleteThis was a cute dress. I was glad that he used this belt instead of doing that first one in the other color! That would have taken away from it. Like the commenter above, I thought the winning dress deserved the win for the particular competition.
ReplyDeleteI used to work in publishing. Most magazines have a two to three month lead time, so she has even less time.
ReplyDeleteI'm with everyone - loved the kimono, but thought that Anthony showed his stuff for a perfect Heidi dress. Is has magazine cover written all over it!
ReplyDeleteI agree! I couldn't believe all the pale colors that people were putting out there -- wrong for Heidi and wrong for a magazine cover. And I spit out my wine when I read renaissance faire. hahaha!
ReplyDeleteThis is the first year I've watched Project Runway from the beginning. I wasn't aware of the "throw-away" contestant, but from your description, I thought Ping fit the role.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, I love the kimono dress, too.
I am loving this season of Project Runway. My favorites are Amy, Anna and Anthony. Ping drove me insane. That kimono dress is soooo great.
ReplyDeleteI saw this episode also and loved this dress, but I thought Anthony's dress was amazing and deserved the win.
ReplyDeleteI actually don't like that dress. It has too close of a resemblance to Anakin Skywalker's leather Jedi uniform in Return of the Sith. Or the Star Wars comics. Definitely showing that Ben is a designer of comic book superhero uniforms! Put pictures of 'em side-by-side and you'll see what I mean. Heck, I did it on my livejournal...
ReplyDeleteThat dress is perfect for you. You must make it IMMEDIATELY! in several fabrics!