
Friday, November 6, 2009

A Very Happy Day

I have a terrible memory. Not the kind of terrible memory that loses keys (because they always go in the same place the second I walk through the door), but the more embarrassing kind. My emotional memory is very weak. Vocabulary words from high school? I got those right here. "Remember that one time...." from high school? Um, did I even *go* to that high school? Because I don't remember a thing. It is more problematic than the regular kind of bad memory, I think, because it involves meaningful experiences with other people, who might be a little miffed that I can't remember it at all.

There is an upside to this, though, because things are new to me much more quickly than to other people. I have not been able to sew much lately because of travel, visitors, and general life stuff. The last time I spent a full day sewing was before my trip to Spain in early September.

By this week I was so frustrated that the same project had been on my sewing machine for a month that I decided to try to work on it each evening for 30 minutes. I'd force myself into the sewing room around 9:15 (after getting home from the gym and having dinner), accomplish some small task, and head to bed. I don't usually sew during the week because I'm just tired after a full day of work and working out and want to spend time relaxing. It wasn't much fun, although I did see progress on the dress.

Because I have no emotional memory I thought that my purpose in sewing was to get clothes (I stopped buying clothes other than jeans and workout clothes about 3 years ago). So I motivated myself by thinking about wearing the dress when I finished it.

I had the day off work today and earmarked it as A Sewing Day--I was going to take the whole day for myself and just sew. And, although it sounds silly to say this is an epiphany, considering I write a blog about sewing:


It was like rediscovering an essential component of myself to sit at the machine all day today. I love the creativity, the problem solving, the intellectual challenge (I have a strictly 2D brain and 3D sewing projects blow my mind), and of course the clothes/fashion/styling/outfits, but the other parts are just as integral to my enjoyment.

Man. I had a great day.

And then, on top of a day spent having FUN, I ended up with three finished projects: the lingering month-long project and two quick knits (love those quick knits). I am so in love with all three projects. There's something from old stash, something from new stash, something blue...nothing borrowed, though. There's a classic piece and a trendy piece and a piece that will fit into most years' trends. There's one thing for work, one for day-to-night, and one that's strictly for fun. There's a tailored piece and a voluminous piece. Dresses and a separate. All will work for three seasons depending on how they're styled, and I might even be able to squeeze the fourth season out of two of them.

I even have a teeny bit of hand-sewing to do (I never have hand-sewing when I need something to occupy me, and I'm sure I'll have an opportunity to do it shortly).

And since posts without pics are no good, here's a sneak peek. I hid all the details but at least you can see the fabrics whose serger clips are the newest ones littering my sewing room floor.

Projects 11-6-09


  1. I'm so glad that you had fun sewing today and that you recovered something that you had lost, your Joy of Sewing! (if that doesn't sound too hokey). I know what you mean about the 3-dimensional puzzle aspect of sewing. Completing a project can have so much satisfaction. :)

  2. Sounds like a lovely day, and I'm intrigued by your teasers. Can't wait to see the garments.

  3. Yay! I love it when I have a fun sewing day. I haven't been sewing much for awhile, and it is just easier not to sew right now. I cut out a top today, so maybe I will borrow some of your fun on Monday and make something cool.

  4. What a tease! I'm dying to see the finished projects. So glad you found some you time for the whole day. Sounds like you had a blast.

  5. Looking forward to the finished projects! As for the faulty memory? Take it as a blessing! My nother, who is in her 70's, is still pissed at her sister-in-law for stretching out her swimming suit some 50 plus years ago! I kid you not!

  6. Ah, a whole day sewing! I haven't touched my machine in over a month except to cover it up. Oh, heck, I got so bored I started knitting. So you gonna post us some pictures?

  7. My oldest son was sick on Monday, so I had to stay home with him. I made two knit tops while here and had so much fun! I just need to hem them, but everything else is done. He told me all about Star Wars and talked my ears off as I sewed. We had a lot of fun together!! (He is 8.)

  8. You ARE going to model the finished pieces, aren't you? Because the suspense is killing me now ;-)

  9. Sewing is therapy. It's a get-away from problems, mundane tasks and whatever else is a bug in one's life.

  10. Lucky you! and I am happy for your productive sewing day. I am waiting for my sewing mojo to return. It is a little dormant right now but I think it will be back this weekend.

  11. I think I'm in the same place you are . . . it's hard to get the mojo workin' to sit down at the sewing machine after getting home from work! I'm looking forward to a few DAYS over the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday to get back my good sewing vibes . . . I've got a half-finished dress that's been staring me in the face for week that I'm dying to finish!

  12. Three projects in a day... I'm in awe! I haven't been sewing much; my house looks better, but I'm kind of short-tempered, so I may have to sneak in a full day of sewing as soon as possible! Oh, I have the same memory failure, btw. But it's all hidden in there somewhere; when I was invited to a school reunion this summer (20 years!), I didn't remember a thing, but just thinking about it (for the first time in 20 years!)triggered a "new" memory every day, and in the end, I remembered quite a lot. Fascinating!

  13. Oh how I wish I could have sewn this weekend. But we have beautiful, gorgeous weather on this November weekend in the Chicago area! Your fabrics are lovely and I can't wait to see!

  14. Funny, i had the same awareness this weekend: Sewing is FUN! BTW, can't wait to see your finished garment!

  15. Love this post! I'm still a newbie to the world of sewing, but I can't tell you how much I love it. I'm glad you rediscovered your passion for this really awesome hobby. :)

  16. Trena, thanks so much for taking the time to help me with my shoulder seam problem. I will give it a try.


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