
Monday, January 28, 2008

UFO Watch 2008: Cowl/Funnel Neck Tank

Item: Simplicity 3830 cowl/funnel neck tank

Stage: Technically the side seams were sewn, but not securely (see difficulties with sewing). So basically everything.

Reason Abandoned: This was probably my most legitimately abandoned project. This poly knit is damn near impossible to sew. I couldn't get my machine to leave a stitch in it to save my life, no matter what kind of needle I used. It was too hard to pierce the fabric with a hand-needle to complete it manually. I finally gave up in disgust.

Time as a UFO: Approaching three years. I know I started it before I joined Pattern Review, which was May of 2006. After joining PR I attempted a project in a similar horrible knit and again couldn't get my machine to lay down a stitch. Some helpful sewists recommended a stretch needle (I was using a ballpoint, which wasn't working) and it was like magic! Once I actually acquired stretch needles I have no excuse for not picking this back up.

Time to complete: About 30 minutes.

Work done to complete: Resewed the side seams; sewed the shoulders; attached the collar; hemmed the bottom, armscyes, and neck edge; hand-tacked the collar down at CF, CB, and shoulders.


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